We are creatures of habit and as those habits define us, identifying the unhealthy ones can be the first step to making a great investment… in ourselves! Since it all begins with our mind, a thought, why not make use of a very helpful and natural tool that we have readily at our disposal – our breath – in an effective way to work with our mind to make those changes.
Here’s a Quick Tip to begin to Release Control (Break a Pattern) that can also help with Impulse Control Issues:
Inhale nose, Exhale nose
Inhale mouth, Exhale mouth
Inhale nose, Exhale mouth
Inhale mouth, Exhale nose
Repeat cycle
Begin with 1 minute and work up to 3 to 11 minutes. You will feel the positive effects as you do this daily and work towards 40 consecutive days, which is a specific time-frame whereby the unwanted habit, pattern or thought can begin to be replaced at the sub-conscious level with a beneficial one. Remember, it’s taken a long time to create the habit, so give yourself adequate time to break it and replace with a healthy one.
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Breathe deeply, Walk daily and Smile!
With Love, Peace and Light,
Linda Shields, Founder