Here Comes the Sun! These days are filled with more sunlight, giving us an opportunity to boost our level of Vitamin D, which our bodies naturally produce in the sun. What a rejuvenating gift after a long winter when our Vitamin D levels are sure to be lower. Of course, as we head towards the hot days of Summer, it is prudent to get the early morning Sun. Vitamin D has a wide array of benefits that range from stronger bones to facilitating a healthy Immune System, with research studies suggesting it also plays a role in an improved resistance against certain diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Heart Disease and Depression.
Spring is also a good time of the year to reset your internal clock by establishing some simple routines. Be active during the day but wind down at the end of the day – switch off your smartphones, tablets and computers at least 1 hour before you go to sleep. This allows your body and mind the needed time to relax and transition to a period of rest which is a crucial element in wellbeing. Being well rested is a great segue to the next day.
- Keep Moving! Invest in a Pedometer that can be found in any sporting goods store or on the Internet. Attach it to your belt or put it in your purse. Work towards the goal of 10,000 daily steps. You might be surprised how much fun it can be to keep track of your daily steps, which may inspire you to be creative in reaching this goal. Take the stairs when you can. Park the car a bit further away from your destination. Walk instead of hailing a taxi for those short jaunts. Take a walk after a meal to aid in your digestion. Brisk walking can also strengthen your bones, help to maintain a healthy weight, improve your physical balance and even lift your mood!
- Alternate Nostril Breathing helps to support our body’s natural built in system that balances the Nervous System, which in turn improves overall health and energy levels.
- Use the right hand thumb to close off the right nostril and the right index finger to close off the left as you alternate breathing through each nostril. The breath is long, deep and relaxed. Try mentally counting to 4 as you inhale and count to 4 as you exhale. This will aid you in establishing an equal inhale and exhale – it’s all about Balance!
- Inhale left nostril, Exhale right nostril
Inhale right nostril, Exhale left nostril
Repeat cycle continuously for up to 3 minutes
May your days be filled with Love, Health, Happiness, Kindness and Balance!
Breathe deeply, Walk daily and Smile!
With Love, Peace and Light,
Linda Shields, Founder