Live longer, healthier and happier by creating your own personal Blue Zone! Much has been written about people inhabiting Blue Zones, places like Sardinia, Italy and Loma Linda, California. What do they share in common lifestyle characteristics and habits that contribute to their longevity in a meaningful way? There are a few things in particular that enrich their well-being. Being active on a daily basis is certainly enhanced with diets like the Mediterranean diet and (my favorite) The Mind Diet, which is a hybrid of the Mediterranean and Dash diets that research indicates protects the brain against disease and lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s.

Still, it’s about much more than just eating real food and exercise. The quality of life is enriched by being part of community, having a sense of purpose, giving back, sharing experiences and remaining connected with family and friends. Social networks like Facebook are a great way to stay connected with those from afar but they don’t take the place of real-life connections, whether over the phone or in person.
Many of you may not live in an established Blue Zone where researchers have discovered the longest-living people on earth, but don’t let that stop you from setting yourself up for success by creating your own supportive environment designed to positively influence you and those around you.
Learn to build your own bridge to longevity by making sustainable, informed healthy choices and behavior changes through hands-on coaching and mentoring with Beyond the Bridge. Together, we adapt and create your own Blue Zone through food, exercise, stress resilience, relationship management and career enhancement; the result is a flexible but impactful personal system designed to positively impact every area of your life.
May your days be filled with Love, Happiness, Kindness and Longevity!
Breathe deeply, Walk daily and Smile!
With Love, Peace and Light,
Linda Shields, Founder