Did you know that our bodies are naturally built to balance our Nervous System? Every 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours, our breath pattern changes from dominant right nostril breathing to dominant left nostril breathing, alternating back and forth. The right nostril relates to the Sympathetic Nervous System – fight or flight, energy, alertness, focus – Go Go Go! The left nostril relates to the Parasympathetic Nervous System – the brakes so to speak, that enables us to relax, rest and be calm. As modern people, we often get locked into dominant right nostril breathing which can lead to burnout.
Take a few minutes and reset your Nervous System:
- Posture check – Sit up straight – spine straight, shoulders relaxed and slightly pulled back, face and jaw relaxed, feet flat on floor (grounding and support). Hands on thighs. Take a few gentle breaths through the nose, focusing on each inhale and exhale.
Alternate Nostril Breathing helps to support our body’s natural built in system that balances the Nervous System. It also creates whole brain function by balancing the right and left hemispheres of the Brain.
The breath is long, deep and relaxed. Use the right hand thumb to close off the right nostril and the right index finger to close off the left as you alternate breathing through each nostril.
Inhale left nostril, Exhale right nostril
Inhale right nostril, Exhale left nostril
Repeat cycle continuously
Begin with 1 minute work up to 3 to 11 minutes.
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Breathe deeply, Walk daily and Smile!
With Love, Peace and Light,
Linda Shields, Founder