Beat the Holiday Stress Syndrome! The perfect antidote to holiday stress is one of our private sessions that will not only calm you down during this hectic holiday season, but balance your nervous system as you head into the New Year. Relaxation stands for a release of tension and a return to equilibrium. Harmonyum® is a metaphysical system that works on the body energetically by raising the vibratory frequency of the entire body, creating a deep sense of harmony within.
Gift certificates and packages are available. Call 917 837-3652 or e-mail for details.
Since we don’t always have the time, here’s a quick way to decompress.
- Inhale through your mouth as if you were sipping cool air through a straw as you mentally count to 8 slowly.
- Suspend your breath as you mentally count to 8 slowly.
- Exhale through your nose as you mentally count to 8 slowly.
- If an 8 count is a challenge, start with a 4 count. Begin with 1-3 minutes and work your way up to 11 minutes.
- You will be amazed at how great you feel.
- Practice before and after holiday shopping.
- Spread Good Cheer and Enjoy the Holiday Season!
Our goal is to enhance the benefits of traditional methods of healthcare through integration by creating a personal toolbox for our clients to use at any time or place that utilizes techniques to de-stress the mind and body, restore balance and strengthen resilience of health into their daily lives.
Breathe deeply, Walk daily and Smile!
Please pass this along to your friends, colleagues and family!
With Love, Peace and Light,
Linda Shields, Founder
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